From Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th Oct 2021 Severntec are hosting a Sidemount training weekend in Plymouth, UK.

Ran out of the Mount Batten Watersports & Activities Centre and with our friends from InDeep, the weekend will be structured as follows:

Arrive Friday

  • Prep kit and check in to accommodation
  • Followed by a presentation on UK diving from hard and soft boats


  • 1/2 day training from the hard boat
  • Entries and exits
  • Donning and doffing cylinders
  • Followed by a dive to recreational limits
  • Curry Night in the evening


  • Same as above but using an RHIB as our dive platform
  • 16:00 hrs end of day

We will be working closely with skippers and dive centre to make this weekend work efficiently for crew and divers.

The cost for the weekend, including 2 nights accommodation and the boat for 2 days, is £300 per person. Transport to and from Plymouth needs to be organised for yourselves.

This trip is limited to 10 places so book on now via our Contact page or contact us on the Facebook Event.

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